Partis Pour La Gloire A La Nouvelle Orle

Montagne Secrete Editions
Livre Relié
05 - 2023
CHF 25.00
2 à 4 jours ouvrables
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Résumé du livre

Informationen zum Autor Bïa Krieger spent her teenage years in Brazil before moving to Paris, where she recorded her first album in 1997, which was awarded the prestigious Grand Prix of the Charles-Cros Academy. Her album, Coeur Vagabond, received the Félix Award in the Best World Music Album category in 2006. Fanny Berthiaume began her career as a model maker, animator and illustrator for various productions. While completing studies in visual effects, she joined Raynault VFX and contributed to famous productions such as Beauty and the Beast, X-Men: Apocalypse and Wild. She then pursued her career as a concept artist at Digital Dimension where she worked on several animated TV shows, including Zafari and Improbable Pirate Adventures. Klappentext Découvrez La Nouvelle-Orléans, le berceau du jazz. Partez en voyage avec une attachante famille d'opossums qui a roule´ sa bosse partout en Ame´rique ! Du fleuve Mississippi jusqu'a` Storyville, la` ou` le jazz a` pris son envol, Mama et Papa Poss poursuivent le re´cit de leur odysse´e musicale a` travers le continent. Ils nous racontent cette fois-ci un pe´riple qui les a mene´s des bayous jusqu'a` La Nouvelle-Orle´ans avec comme guide le ce´le`bre trompettiste Louis Chatstrong. Dans le berceau du jazz, au coeur du Vieux carre´ franc¸ais, nos deux tourtereaux comptent bien devenir des e´toiles et de´crocher la lune de miel a` bord du tramway nomme´ de´sir. Cette publication comprend aussi des notes explicatives qui permettent d'en savoir plus sur la culture musicale et les coutumes de la re´gion. Pour accéder aux enregistrements de la narration du conte et des chansons Chat de ruelle et Oh, When the Saints, il y a un Ce deuxième titre de la collection Nous sommes les opossums musiciens invite les enfants a` de´couvrir diffe´rents genres musicaux et les coins de pays qui les ont vus nai^tre (la musique cajun, le jazz, le country, le rock'n'roll, le blues et la musique traditionnelle que´be´coise). A lighthearted tale in French about two possum musicians who make their way to New Orleans and discover jazz. Mama and Papa Poss continue their musical odyssey on a boat bound for New Orleans. As they make their way down the Mississippi, a sudden hurricane tosses one of the passengers overboard. Papa Poss jumps to the rescue, pulling none other than Louis Chatstrong out of the crashing waves. In thanks, the famous feline trumpet player takes the duo to his club the French Quarter, where a group of cool cats are scratching up a new kind of music. Take a trip to the Big Easy in this swinging and scatting tale that pays homage to the city that invented jazz! Partis pour la gloire à La Nouvelle-Orléans ! is the second story in the Nous sommes les opossums musiciens series, which follows Mama and Papa Poss on their travels across North America to the birthplaces of Cajun, jazz, country, rock'n'roll, blues, and traditional Quebecois music. At the end of each story, explanatory notes delve into the key figures, instruments and customs behind each genre. The accompanying recordings, including the narration of the story and the songs Alley Cat and Oh, When the Saints, can be accessed with a QR code printed in the book. ...