Muslims in the Enlarged Europe: Religion and Society

Brill Academic Pub
Livre Relié
12 - 2003
Nombre de pages
167 × 244 × 41 mm
CHF 404.00
1 à 2 semaines
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Résumé du livre

Informationen zum Autor Brigitte Marechal is graduated in Political Science and Islamology (Louvain, IFEAD-Damas). She is Research assistant at the University of Louvain, preparing a thesis on the Muslim Brothers in Europe, she coordinated A guidebook on Islam and Muslims in the wide Contemporary Europe (Academia, 2002) Stefano Allievi, Ph.D. in Sociology, is Professor of Sociology at the University of Padova. He published La sfida dell'immigrazione (EMI, 1991), Les convertis a l'islam (L'Harmattan, 1998), Muslim Networks and Transnational Communities in and across Europe (Brill, 2003, with J. Nielsen). Felice Dassetto, Ph.D. in Sociology and Socio-Anthropology of Islam (Catholic University of Louvain). Among others, he wrote La construction de l'islam europeen (L'Harmattan, 1996), Islamic Words. Individuals, Societies and Discourse in Contemporary European Islam (Maisonneuve-Larose, 2000). Jorgen Nielsen, Ph.D., is Professor of Islamic studies at the University of Birmingham, Director of Graduate Institute for Theology and Religion. Among others, he has published Muslims in Western Europe (Edinburgh University Press, 1995), Towards a European Islam (MacMillan, 1999). Klappentext This volume describes a clear and overall overview on contemporary European Islam, dealing with both Western and Eastern sides. Based on wide bibliographic research as well as original national contributions from recognised scholars, it is concerned with the process of construction of Islam as well as its co-inclusion in the European societies. "Muslims in the Enlarged Europe" has been selected by "Choice" as Outstanding Academic Title (2005).