Lonesome T2 The Ruffians

Livre Broché
01 - 2022
CHF 17.80
2 à 4 jours ouvrables
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Résumé du livre

Informationen zum Autor After graduating from the Saint-Luc Institute in Brussels, Yves Swolfs made his debut in bandes dessinées with a Western, Durango , a series which lasted almost 40 years. In the meantime, he experimented with other genres: horror ( Le Prince de la Nuit ), historical drama ( Dampierre ) and geopolitics ( Vlad ), while refining his artistic style to the point of shedding all influences. He also plays in a rock band. Klappentext A relentless lone rider with strange powers is hunting a sadistic criminal and the powerful men that protect him and use him to start a devastating war in the United States. The second volume of a Western with supernatural overtones. Zusammenfassung True to his word, Mayor Harper has brought in a Marshall to get rid of Lonesome, thrown in jail by a repentant sheriff. But it takes more than that to stop the lone rider in his quest for revenge, and he is soon back on the trail of Markham, the mad preacher. When a band of Ruffians - pro-slavery vigilantes and sworn enemies of Markham - intercept our hero, an unexpected encounter will provide him with an opportunity to learn more about the mysterious figures pulling all the strings... Ages 12