Etudes faulknériennes, n° 5. Eudora Welty and the poetics of the body

Presses Universitaires de Rennes
11 - 2024
Nombre de pages
200 × 270 × 10 mm
CHF 22.50
~ 2 semaines
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Résumé du livre

Eudora Welty and the Poetics of the Body

Géraldine Chouard Eudora Welty : the Body in all its States (Preface)

Danièle Pitavy-Souques

Géraldine Chouard Welty's Photography or the Retina of Time

Hunter Cole On the Publishing of Photographs

Stuart Kidd Familiar and Foreign Bodies in Photographs of the South during the 1930 s

Jean Kempf Eudora Welty Photographer. The Photograph as Revelation

Michael Kreyling Eudora Welty : Portraits of the Author and the Character of the Text

Géraldine Chouard (mod.), Round Table on Photography

Aurélie Guillain Pantomimes : Body Language in Five Narratives by Eudora Welty

Jean-Marc Victor « The wrinkles in her skin shone like a bright net » : The Promises of a Face in Eudora Welty's Fiction

Peggy Whitman Prenshaw Fevered Desire and Therapeutic Gaze in Welty's World

Barbara Ladd The Place of (Woman's) Body/the Body of (Woman's) Place in The Golden Apples

Suzan Harrison Black Bodies and Modernist Desire in Eudora Welty's Fiction

Tom McHaney The Saturday Night Function Beats the Sunday Morning Service : Welty's « Powerhouse »

Noel Polk The Ponderable Heart

Sharon Baris « Across his chest, over his hips » : Hands-on Means and Meanings in « Death of a Traveling Salesman »

Michiko Yoshida Welty's Touches : the Functions of Hands and the Drama of Transformation in « Moon Lake » and « Music from Spain »

Pearl McHaney Containment, Flux and Flexibilty in Delta Wedding : Dabney Fairchild's Gravidity

André Bleikasten Homespun Horrors : « The Burning »

Susan Donaldson Embodying and Transforming Memory in Eudora Welty's Later Work

Donald Kartiganer Body and Myth, Semiotic and Symbolic : The Space Between

Marie-Christine Lemardeley-Cunci Bruissements de silence dans « The Key »

Danièle Pitavy-Souques Of human, animal and celestal Bodies in Welty's « Circe »