Essential French Grammar

Taylor and Francis
Livre Relié
12 - 2013
Nombre de pages
174 × 246 ×  mm
CHF 156.00
2 à 4 jours ouvrables
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Résumé du livre

Informationen zum Autor Mike Thacker was Director of the Language Centre at the University of Surrey from 1991-2005 and has taught at all degree levels. He is co-author of several course books for Spanish A level, A Spanish Learning Grammar and Friday Afternoon French (with C. dâAngelo). He is also series editor of 3 GCSE course books including à plus! Casimir dâAngelo is Director of the Language Unit in the Engineering Department of the University of Cambridge. He is co-author of Friday Afternoon French (with M.Thacker). . Zusammenfassung Essential French Grammar is a student-friendly French grammar designed to give learners a firm foundation on which to build a real understanding of both spoken and written French. Clear explanations of grammar are supported by contemporary examples, lively cartoon drawings and a variety of exercises.Key features of each chapter:each grammar point explained initially with reference to Englishparallels between English and French provided where relevant'Key points' box and tables that summarise grammar conceptsreal-life language examples in French, with English translationsa variety of exercises to reinforce learninga contemporary primary source or literary extract to illustrate grammar in context.ãA glossary of grammatical terms in French and English, useful verb tables, and a key to the exercises are also provided, making this an ideal resource for both independent and class-based learners. Essential French Grammar is an innovative reference grammar and workbook for intermediate and advanced undergraduate students of French. (CEFR levels A2 to B2, ACTFL Novice High to Intermediate High) Inhaltsverzeichnis Glossary 1. The sentence 2. Nouns 3. Determiners 4. Pronouns 5. Adjectives 6. Adverbs 7. Verbs I 8. Verbs II 9. Prepositions 10. Conjunctions 11. Punctuation and accents Verb tables