Centaur Aisle
- Éditeur
- Del Rey
- Format
- Livre de poche
- Langue
- Français
- Parution
- 09 - 1987
- Nombre de pages
- 304
- 978-0-345-35246-0
- 9780345352460
- Dimensions
- 105 × 175 × 22 mm
Résumé du livre
Informationen zum Autor Piers Anthony , sometimes called Pier Xanthony, is the pseudonym of a Mundane character who was born in England in 1934, came to America in 1940, was naturalized in 1958, and moved to Xanth in 1977. His first story was published in 1963, and his first novel, Chthon, in 1967. His first Xanth novel, A Spell for Chameleon, won the August Derleth Fantasy Award as the best novel for 1977, and his fantasy novels began placing on the New York Times bestseller list with Ogre, Ogre . He shifted from writing in pencil to writing on the computer, and Golem in the Gears was his first novel created on the machine; naturally, the computer found its way into Xanth. Klappentext The magic of Xanth was useless in Mundania-until Dor tried honesty! Dor was having troubles growing up to be the next Magician-King of the magic Land of Xanth. He wanted no part of running the Kingdom. But now the Good King Trent was leaving on a trade mission to non-magical Mundania, home of such weird beasts as horses and bears, so Dor had to take over as King for a week. A week passes. No Trent. Then three weeks. King Trent still hasn't returned. Surely, something terrible had happened; he was apparently held captive in some foul dungeon, unable to escape. Dor was left with the burden of ruling-and with Irene, who was entirely too willing to be his Queen! His only hope was to enter Mundania and free King Trent. But how could it be done without the powers of magic? Nevertheless, he started forth bravely-together with Irene, a golem, a centaur, and a young ogre-heading for the far south of Xanth. The entrance to Mundania, of course, lay to the north. Zusammenfassung The magic of Xanth was useless in Mundaniauntil Dor tried honesty! Dor was having troubles growing up to be the next Magician-King of the magic Land of Xanth. He wanted no part of running the Kingdom. But now the Good King Trent was leaving on a trade mission to non-magical Mundania! home of such weird beasts as horses and bears! so Dor had to take over as King for a week. A week passes. No Trent. Then three weeks. King Trent still hasn't returned. Surely! something terrible had happened; he was apparently held captive in some foul dungeon! unable to escape. Dor was left with the burden of rulingand with Irene! who was entirely too willing to be his Queen! His only hope was to enter Mundania and free King Trent. But how could it be done without the powers of magic? Nevertheless! he started forth bravelytogether with Irene! a golem! a centaur! and a young ogreheading for the far south of Xanth. The entrance to Mundania! of course! lay to the north. ...