Blake Et Mortimer T 20 The Septimus Wav

Livre Broché
03 - 2015
Nombre de pages
220 × 290 × 10 mm
CHF 19.30
2 à 4 jours ouvrables
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Résumé du livre

Informationen zum Autor JeanDufaux is a noted author who has created many series throughout his long career. Among them: Murena, Lament of the Lost Moors, and, more recently, Crusade. Sometimes called "Jean the Prolific," at ease with practically every style, his most famous heroine remains JessicaBlandy. >AntoineAubin learnt to read with Tintin and worked for publisher Hachette-Disney for many years, before being chosen by Dargaud to take over from René Sterne on Blake and Mortimer. >EtienneShréder is a veteran artist and colourist in his own right who has worked in comics and cinema and collaborated with many renowned artists. Klappentext Published in English for the first time, this continues the adventures of Blake and Mortimer, who first appeared in "Tintin" magazine and share many characteristics with Herge's hero. Illustrated by Antoine Aubin and Etienne Sheder, it's suitable for both adults and children. Ages: 10+ Zusammenfassung Captain Francis Blake! dashing head of England's MI5. Professor Philip Mortimer! world-renowned nuclear physicist. The most distinguished duo of gentleman-adventurers! battling the forces of evil and their arch nemesis Olrik around the globe! below the earth! even across time itself... The 20th adventure of Her Majesty's finest protectors!